Diving Torch SOFIRN SD05

Underwater flashlight

Diving Torch SOFIRN SD05 underwater flashlight is a flashlight designed specifically for underwater use. It features a USB Type-C direct charging function, making it convenient for users to charge. It uses a Luminus LED with a maximum brightness of up to 3000 lumens.

It is powered by a single 21700 18/650 lithium-ion battery, which ensures reliable power support.

The magnetic ring switch simplifies operation, rotating the magnetic ring to turn the light on/off. It can work normally in water depths up to 100 meters, offering a reliable lighting solution for divers.

3000 lumens Torch  SOFIRN SD05

Latest generation design with excellent ergonomics and a high perception of its geometric characteristics by touch.

Thanks to this particular design, the position of the switch is immediately identified without the need for vision. The porthole and body are covered in aeronautical quality aluminum and the finish is anodized to prolong its life and limit impact noises when used for fishing. Ultra Bright: SD05 can reach a maximum of 3000 lumens  the beam distance of this, waterproof diving flashlight is up to 100m (max).

Diving Torch SOFIRN SD05
Diving Torch SOFIRN SD05

Smart Design: The magnetic ring switch simplifies operation, rotating the magnetic ring to turn the light on/off and to cycle through the modes from left to right (Low-Medium-High-Turbo).

Caratteristic SOFIRN SD05

USB-Type C direct charging for convenient charging

Super Bright: SD05 can reach a maximum of 3000 lumens, the beam distance of this waterproof diving flashlight is up to 100m (max).

Rechargeable and Durable: Uses a 21700 rechargeable battery. The aircraft-grade aluminum alloy case and hard anodized finish make the flashlight resistant to rust and corrosion.

Waterproof Design: IPX8 waterproof, can be submerged up to 100 meters underwater, perfect for various outdoor activities such as diving, hunting, hiking etc. Make sure the insulation paper is removed and that both ends (where the tube screws into the lamp head and where the battery cover screws onto the tube) are fully screwed on during use.



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